Loisirs Assis Evasion FR Loisirs Assis Evasion GB

Cimgo training sessions

Nos formations en quelques chiffres...

In 2019, 98 people were trained, including 42 people on Cimgo training courses with a success rate of 100%.

In 2020, despite the health context, between June and September, 23 people were trained on our Cimgo training courses with an overall success rate of our training courses of 98%.
In 2021, out of 76 people trained (summer and winter), 45 people were able to be trained between May and September on our Cimgo training courses (including 15 people on a 3-session training course in Lourdes), with an overall success rate of our training courses of 99%.
In 2022, out of 96 people trained (summer and winter), 42 people were able to be trained between May and September on our Cimgo training courses (including 15 people on a 3-session training course in the Southern Alps at La Colmiane), with an overall success rate of our training courses of 97%. Thanks to the feedback from our end-of-training questionnaires, we have noted an overall satisfaction rate of 9.74/10 for our Cimgo training courses.
In 2023, out of 99 people trained (summer and winter), 38 people were able to be trained between May and September on our Cimgo training courses (including 12 people on a 2-session training course in the Southern Alps at La Colmiane), with an overall success rate for our training courses of 100%. Thanks to the feedback from our end-of-training questionnaires, we have noted an overall satisfaction rate of 9.68/10 for our Cimgo training courses.
In 2024, between May and September, 44 people were able to be trained in the practice of Cimgo (including 14 people on a 2-session training course in the Southern Alps at La Colmiane), with an overall success rate of 98%. Thanks to the feedback from our end-of-training questionnaires, we have noted an overall satisfaction rate of 9.78/10 for our Cimgo training courses.

Thank you for your trust, and see you soon in the mountains or on Facebook!
MAJ - 08/2024

Accessibility of our training courses for people with disabilities, contact us.

Cimgo training sessions

Cimgo training sessions take place over 2 days. The educational cost of the training is €380 per person. For your Cimgo training reservation request to be taken into account, please download the registration form, complete and sign it and return it to us with a payment check by mail:

Loisirs Assis Evasion – Service formation Cimgo- 266 Impasse de Boesna – 74190 PASSY


- 12/13 mai 2025, Passy - (appointment at 9 a.m. at the Quechua store)

- 17/18 mai 2025, Passy - (appointment at 9 a.m. at the Quechua store)

- 22/23 mai 2025, Passy - (appointment at 9 a.m. at the Quechua store)

- 3/4 june 2025, Passy - (appointment at 9 a.m. at the Quechua store)


Each session is opened to 5 people. The first 5 people to send their registration form and cheque will be accepted.
Load the registration form and the training program, contact us by email.


- Depending on the number of participants - Meeting point : 9 a-m on the Mountain Store car park motorway exit 21

Other sessions may be organized on demand.

Terms :

- Limited number of participants
- Helmet (ski, mountain bike or multisport), protective glasses are mandatory, gloves are recommended and
mountain or hiking shoes (Tandem ski shoes are suitable).
- The piloting of the CIMGO must be reserved for people in good physical condition.
Also, the trainee pilot must have prior experience with an all-terrain means of transport
such as mountain bike or green motorcycle or quad or 4x4, etc.
- Everyone must bring their own personal hiking equipment for the mountains (bring rain gear and warm clothes).
- Also bring a 13mm wrench (flat or socket) for adjusting the equipment.
Prévoir votre pique nique des midis.

Accommodation/meal costs are not included.